Montgomery Wards Zer Manual
Montgomery Wards Zer Manual

Montgomery Wards Zer Manual

In it can be found the likes of Mark Twain, Hawaii's King Kalakuau, and Moses Fleetwood Walker, the major league's first black player.

Montgomery Wards Zer Manual

A Clever Base-Ballist is also a keenly observant narrative of late nineteenth-century America. Team owners, the players felt, treated them like chattel: they 'dished saltpeter in their sidemeat and gave them shameful financial beatings if they misbehaved,' writes Bryan Di Salvatore in this fascinating, rigorous, and brisk biography. That year, four out of every five National Leaguers, taking great economic risk, deserted professional baseball's establishment to create an 'outlaw' rival organization: The Players' League.

Montgomery Wards Zer Manual